martes, noviembre 01, 2005

Acciones de Blops

Como les prometí el otro día en la cena, acá va la info de Blogshares:

Blogshares es un mercado virtual de acciones sobre weblogs.
El valor te lo da los links y algo más que todavía no sé que es.
Si quierén más detalles, abajo de todo en mi sidebar está el link-

El otro día casi todas las acciones sobre cochino! las tenía un ponja, pero ahora este tal Spacelord (ya te voy a dar a vos) tiene el 80% de las acciones de mi blop! NO SOY DUEÑA DE MI EMPRESA!!!!!

Miren mis estadísticas:

Valuation: B$16,498.70
(Germán publicó cómo hacer para ver el valor de tu blog en su última entrada)

Shares Owners:
PlayerNumber (%)Last Bought / Sold
SpaceLord 4000 (80%)10:42 29 Oct 2005
Gugú 1000 (20%)13:52 24 Oct 2005

Total Shares Owned: 5000 (100%)

This is the current share holders for the blog, bold indicates the owner.

Top 100 Incoming Links
(faltan otros que cuando me linkearon en vez de poner http://cochino... pusieron http://www.cochino, y otros que me tienen por - acabo de descubrir que esos los puedo "claim" y ahora tengo que esperar 48 hs.) (si hacen click sobre su blog, pueden ver sus estadísticas de blogshares)

This is a list of the most valuable incoming links at the time OTHER blogs are indexed.
It is indicative of FUTURE value not CURRENT value.

Add N to X (B$1,682.35) (AGUANTEEEEEEEEEE - tamos arriba de Raymi, grosso. Aunque el de raymi vale más que todos los nuestros juntos.)
Raymi the Minx (B$1,585.78)
stupid is what stupid does (B$1,566.26)
Por Dior! (B$1,100.35)
Se exactamente lo que hago (B$984.22) (<-- ete es mi blop favorito)
por qué amarillo? (B$850.68)
Goodbye Sober Days! (B$845.53)
g o n z a l i t o b l o g (B$671.84)
Spanish is Different (B$560.42) (<-- ete es el blop de mi Pupi)
Regina Falangie (B$550.00)
time of our lives (B$514.25)
Que nos lleve el infierno (B$493.69)
mi cactus (B$410.73)
PaTo (B$375.76)
La Emma Tiene Tumbao (B$353.57)
jamón del siome (B$341.84)
..::) Secando las Alas (::.. (B$305.18)
roto (B$291.86) (<-- ete es el blop del que me enseño la palabra blop)
Cortando el floema (B$280.14)
Llenos de Chicha (B$243.19)
Meditaciones y boludeces (B$221.89)
Fook The People! (B$219.33)
Ojo con ese no cojo (B$200.67)
SnooPyLaNd (B$197.30)
Just a simple life... (B$191.93)
El Show del Andy (B$162.65)
El Show del Andy (B$137.50)
ASÍ NO PUEDO (B$110.00)
This Is Just A Modern Rock Blog (B$109.80)
Pedagogia Para El Oprimido (B$65.23) (<-- VOS sos el que tiene el 80% de las acciones sobre MI blop)

(el blog de Nikita ni figura, me cacho en dios)
(Asi hablaba tampoco, y Podeti, que es re leido y me linkeo, TAMPOCO)
(Hay dos shows de Andy)
(tengo más links por qué no estáaaan!)
(QUÉ onda!!)

(Me estoy volviendo loca, alguien me explica que significa todo esto, qué es esa lista y porque no tiene relación aparente con el valor de cada blog!)


Blogger Clarixiña piensa que...

TREMENDO lo que descubriste!! Ya me pongo a estudiar el tema, y te cuento!!
Cómo es la onda de los links... yo todavía no puse ninguno,... estaba en eso...

1/11/05 12:55 p.m.  
Blogger · piensa que...

cuanto vale una accion
un acto
un mimo
una desnudez mas
una palabra a tiempo
una palabra a destiempo
a cuanto
eh, mujer,
a cuanto cotiza un mimo de sombra
como accion
como gesto
como un nombre
dicho por tu boca
junto a la palabra amor?

cuanto valen
los dias con vos?

1/11/05 1:49 p.m.  
Blogger Running piensa que...

god, si me metes todos estos shares y acciones y dineros y cosas así cierro mi blog.
los números me ponen histérico mal, nervioso, me pongo ansioso, insoportable, y la verdad es que es algo en lo que no quiero entrar.

1/11/05 2:19 p.m.  
Blogger Mateo piensa que...

GRacias gugli. Love.
Muy raro todo esto. Investigá más.

1/11/05 2:20 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

no no no, yo no meto a nadie, todo eso ya está, de hecho lo descubrí hace unas semanas y mi blog ya pertenecía a otras gentes!

igual es un juego, un mercado virtual, de mentira... nada tiene valor real-


1/11/05 2:29 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

.: tus comments, son lo más lindo!

escribi una respuesta tan pero tan cursi sobre cuanto valen los dias conmigo, que la tuve que borrar inmediatamente.

mat: un placer, como siempre.

Clxna: por favor fijate si entendés yo soy muy torpe para los numeros.

1/11/05 2:40 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

at work explorer, at home, firefox !

Lu: no creo que cause nada de nada en la blogosfera, bah, a mi me CHUPA TRES de esos...
explicame más como funciona, si no querés por acá para los otros curiosos por mail...
La lista esa estaba hecha, yo no la hice!


1/11/05 4:33 p.m.  
Blogger Niño Pol piensa que...

Pero como voy a estar en el cuarto puesto?
No me llevo ni la de bronce!
Quiero la de oro a-hora!
Que tengo que hacer?
(Por cierto no entendí de que se trata nada de todo esto)

1/11/05 7:45 p.m.  
Blogger Germán W. piensa que...

Ahí lo expliqué en mi blog...

2/11/05 3:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Su nivel de patetismo no tiene límites: sus blogs no valen absolutamente nada, a quien podría importarle tantas idioteces, lo suyo no es el e-commerce...yo los incluyo en mi punk meter, están todos enpatados a la cabeza!

3/11/05 4:12 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

wow, estar a la cabeza de un Punk Meter es lo más lindo que me dijeron en todo el día!

yey! somos punk rock stars!


3/11/05 4:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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6/2/10 2:58 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...


I am new to this site. I found loads of useful information here. Please accept my little contribution towards community. I would like to share some [url=]quick weight loss tips[/url]. If you want to know how to lose 10 lb in a week, you are likely not looking for a basic diet and exercise plan. You can lose weight with a general diet and work out plan, Still this takes a lot of time doing utmost cardio exercises and sticking to a strict diet. Here I will draft the exact steps that I took to lose 10 pounds in just a week.

1. Stay away from all fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink In an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast every day. (this speeds up your metabolism)
3. Eat Up fair portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. Instead of consuming 3 big a meals a day, take 5-6 smaller meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Do not eat anything after 9pm. Calories do not burn, when you eat so late.
6. Proper sleep is necessary everyday.. Not getting plenty sleep causes been proven to be a ranking factor to the body putting up excess fat.
7. Utilize a body/colon cleanse for the 7 days. This will get rid of unneeded fat stored just about the stomach area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that makes you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I reccomend you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those man's/womans who need to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol.
10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an brilliant method of burning weight quickly.


6/2/10 11:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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In first steps it's really nice if someone supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

12/2/10 8:55 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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18/2/10 3:13 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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I'm thinking of buying them. Anyone else have experience with this e-cigarette?

23/2/10 11:53 a.m.  
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1/3/10 11:55 a.m.  
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3/3/10 8:48 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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9/3/10 6:25 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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13/3/10 6:56 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...;username=Illethomelele;username=NusDurerbrons;u=13891;username=ReawNiptpeali;u=1625;u=15813


16/3/10 5:57 p.m.  
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21/3/10 4:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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21/3/10 4:25 p.m.  
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11/4/10 9:29 p.m.  
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12/4/10 9:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...


I just wanted to say hi


19/4/10 7:40 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Long time lurker, thought I would say hello! I really dont post much but thanks for the good times I have here. Love this place..

20/4/10 5:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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29/4/10 3:25 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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For all you ska folks out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first emo fanzines on the web.

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Looking forward to your recommendations.


10/5/10 1:58 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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24/5/10 5:30 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Everything about horse betting

In addition to offering the full menu of track bets, i.e., Win, Place, Show, Daily Doubles, Exactas, Quinellas, Trifectas and Superfectas, some have started offering additional types of wagers such as a two horse match bet. This, in our opinion, is the most significant opportunity for horse racing today. In an era where proposition bets on football range from the point spread to which way the wind will be blowing at half time, horse racing is missing the boat. They've failed to recognize what Las Vegas has known for some time, namely that gaming is entertainment and that the way to increase 'handle' is to offer more types of wagers. This year's Superbowl offered over 300 proposition bets resulting in a record setting day for the Las Vegas sports books with over 94 million dollars wagered. To put that into perspective, that's about .6% of the 15 billion dollars wagered annually on horse racing.
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In a sport that is not only highly competitive but relies on high-stakes gambling to sustain itself, some people feel it is unlikely that a practice shown to be a disadvantage would continue. However, such cruelties exist and many countries are taking strong steps to stop it. Like in India for example, it is banned, that is until the jockey has proven himself.

The Triple Crown stands as the ultimate test of greatness, and that's why on the first Saturday in May each year, America's thoughts turn to horse racing and the hope of just one more Triple Crown winner. Because we do, after all, need another hero.
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Sweetnorthernsaint ridden by Kent Desormeaux was favored to win the Derby, but finished a disappointing seventh by 13 lengths. That though, after a bumped start and being steadied before finally tiring. With a lifetime 3 wins out of 7 starts, all 3 have come this year, and the shorter distance of the Preakness might be more to his liking.

3/6/10 1:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Finally, realize that all the various bookmakers have their own rules and policies regarding how they settle bets done through arbitrage sports betting when they have such irregular results. As with the advice on pricing, be sure to check the rules of the individual bookmakers before you place your bets.

The best sports betting odds are in actuality just numbers, they may be an ever changing set of numbers but just numbers nonetheless. There are many different factors involved in the computation of not the least of which is the number of bettors placing bets on one team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.
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It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.

Another important subject I must briefly refer to is "catch-up" staking. If you find that you need to employ this tactic regularly, it means three things: (1) your Selection System sucks, (2) you haven't got a clue about what constitutes a proper Staking Plan, and (3) you have turned your chances of regularly and quickly losing your Base Bank to a 100% certainty!

3/6/10 4:49 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Traditional banking has always been a brick and mortar building where you go to deposit or withdraw money.

With the popularity of the Internet and the power it gives people to take control of their lives, many traditional banks have created banking Internet web pages where customers could transfer money, set up bill payments recurring or otherwise, quickly check items that have cleared, and many other functions that can be accessed 24 hours per day 7 days a week.

Banking Internet options also include virtual banks.

When you utilize banking Internet options you are able to access your account, move money, pay bills, and any number of things from any computer with Internet access worldwide.
[url=]Internet Banking[/url]
Times are changing, with the internet redefining the banking sector over the last five years. Do not be confused as it continues to develop, the many names it goes by all mean the same thing electronic, online and PC banking are all just synonyms traditional banking services provided through a secure internet portal.

The banks also benefit from a lesser need for staff due to the migration to internet banking where customers serve themselves.

Others will also enable you to set up online banking by simply transferring your funds by check.
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Paying bills, transferring funds and just plain monitoring your account are all possible with minimal stress whether you are ravelling, holidaying or working anywhere in the world.

9/6/10 8:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

My final selection, and surely few will question this one, is a certain Dennis Law. 'The King' or the 'Lawman' as he was affectionately known played for Manchester United between 1962 and 1973. During that time he played for United a total of 409 times, scoring an impressive 237 goals. Law won European Footballer of the year in 1965, during a season in which he top-scored for Manchester Utd with 28 and helped them to win their first league title since Munich.. [url=]man utd vs[/url] As a tribute to United’s nationwide popularity, the club has held the record for the highest average attendance in English football for over 34 years. The only time they did not hold the record was during the 1987-89 period when the Old Trafford stadium was being renovated. In some circles, it is believed that the Manchester United Red Devils are the most widely supported football club in the world. [url=]michael carrick[/url] Hopefully this article has given an informative insight into the history of the Manchester United Shirt, and should you be asked on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for the colour scheme of the Newton Railways Club shirt, you won't need to phone a friend!

10/6/10 10:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

"We should have played more like a team instead of playing like a group of individuals. In the second half, we didn't play as we should. They started to attack when they saw that we weren't pressing we had before halftime. That was the time to be a team. Now, we can only think about La Liga, which is all we have left." [url=]real madrid official website[/url] Real Madrid maintains their fight for the title of the Spanish League after beating Real Zaragoza in an anguishing match, 2-1 this past Saturday. Real Zaragoza, which played the second half with ten players due to the expulsion of the Italian midfielder, Matteo Contini, were close to making a draw. However, a great goal from Kaka at minute 82 gave the Meringues the victory and moved them closer to Barcelona in the top spot by one point. Barcelona also took a victory after beating Xerez 3-1, leading with 87 points.

Ahead by one, Real Madrid controlled the ball on both ends of the field; Espanyol was left behind the ball without ideas. Even when the team managed to recover the ball, the players didn’t know what to do with it. Espanyol’s ineptitude helped Pellegrini’s men enjoy a wonderful half hour, during which they played how they wanted, when they wanted, and where they wanted. [url=]ricardo kaka[/url] Real Madrid’s second goal came as a penalty after Marcelo Vieira Da Silva’s cross hit the Villareal full-back Angel Lopez in the arm. Kaka took over the penalty and converted, giving Real Madrid its final point for the game. Cristiano Ronaldo had other opportunities, but he failed to settle, and Real Madrid took the game 2-0.

11/6/10 7:22 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

5.) However, if you are playing very large jackpot games, it is better to play with fewer cards. Huge jackpots attract numerous players and your winning odds are low. Hence, you can make your money last longer by playing few cards.
[url=]bingo on line[/url] play bingo The game of online bingo proceeds with the calling of different numbers within 75. You need to notice the trend of the first ten or twelve called numbers to understand the system in operation. If the first called number is say G52, probability of the next number not ending in 2 is higher as there are fewer numbers ending in two than in other digits.
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If you do not know anyone who uses the gaming sites or you want some additional reinforcement your first port of call should be an online bingo community. By reading reviews by other people who use the Bingo sites, you will be able to get a feel for the different sites that exist and make a more qualified decision about which one you would like to use. The knowledge concerning different sites and what other users consider important about them is an invaluable tool for the new online Bingo player. Whether it is for fun or for money, there needs to be an element of integrity within the site and a potential for the player to win the game. The knowledge of other users concerning specific sites will tell the new online Bingo player whether the site is for real or is just masquerading in order to harvest the players email addresses in order to bombard them with spam, or worse con them out of their hard earned cash. This can all be avoided with research and trying before you buy, as mentioned earlier the best places to scope out bingo sites is by using a review site or Bingo members forum.
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Your aim would be to cover the prescribed pattern with the bingo letters, by coordinating the letters and numbers called. The patterns can be anything like, u shape, t shape, etc, though it usually is horizontal or vertical. As soon as you get the pattern, you should shout bingo and you get the prize. In case there are others who shouted at the same time as you, the prize will be shared among all winners.

21/6/10 4:37 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Hello Today i found something worng in an website, its not look like a human website..or page idk how to call it
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here is the link:


30/6/10 8:40 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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7/7/10 4:52 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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Here is the guide, hope it would do people a favor.

The Device Comparison About Pocket PC
A Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC is a handheld device that enables you to store and retrieve e-mail, contacts, appointments, play multimedia files, games, exchange text messages with MSN Messenger, browse the Web, and more. You can also exchange, or synchronize, information with a desktop computer.
The Device Comparison About Pocket PC is as follows, and we hope that it will be helpful.
Device Name
Operating System
Processor Type
Processor Speed
Geographic Availability
Dell Axim X30 624MHz
Intel XScale Processor
WMMX up to 624MHz (also available in 312 MHz version)
WMMX up to 624MHz (also available in 312 MHz version)
up to 64MB SD RAM
up to 64MB
United States , Canada
ASUS My Pal A620
Windows Mobile 2003
Intel XScale PXA 255 processor
400 MHz (200 MHz FSB)
64 MB SDRAM (55 MB user accessible)
32 MB Flash ROM
4.9 oz (141 g)
United States , Europe, Asia
Garmin iQue M5
Windows Mobile 2003
Intel PXA 272 Xscale processor, dedicated 48 MHz ARM7 GPS coprocessor
416 Mhz
5.9 oz (166 g)
United States , Europe
HP iPAQ hx2100/2110
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
Intel PXA270 Processor
312 MHz
64 ROM
164.4 g
United States , United Kingdom
Mio 168 GPS Pocket PC
Windows Mobile 2003
Intel XScale Processor
300 MHz
5.2 oz.
United States , Asia
Symbol Technologies MC50
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
Intel XScale PXA270 processor
Approx. 6.5 oz (184 grams)
United States , Europe, Asia
ASUS My Pal A716
Windows Mobile 2003
Intel? XScale? PXA 255 processor
400 MHz (200 MHz FSB)
64 MB SDRAM (55 MB user accessible)
64 MB Flash ROM
6.9 oz (197 g)
United States , Europe, Asia
HP iPAQ h2210/h2215
Windows Mobile 2003
Intel? XScale?
400 MHz
64 MB (56 MB main memory)
5.1 oz (144.2 g)
US, Asia For more information, please see MPEG-4(MP4) Event .

17/7/10 1:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Hey guys I'm not for certain if this is the sound area to mail this, but I am having some legitimat trouble learning meeting women I viewed over meeting women[url=
meeting women [/url] that internet site, but it really didn't look as if to give alot of sentiment to me. Can someone hold it in their heart to serve me? It's so hard to foregather the girls of my dreams.

This magazine article wasn't clear to read

Ideas on How to satisfy Ladies at the Shopping mall

If you're the one just one guy and aren't the most appropriate at acquiring significantly less meeting women and are questioning where you could head to get and connect a lady, then these ten sensible suggestions on how to fulfill a young lady on the local mall, should certainly appear in mighty handy.

1 - Go towards the meals court. Feel it or not, the foodstuff court is a absolute most suitable location in your local mall to satisfy a girlfriend. Here's what you do. Pick a meals place and get in line for your meal. Although that you're in line, appearance all around the location in which every person is sitting down and eating. Start looking for the girlfriend sitting down alone, and even two girls seated together. When you have your meal in hand, walk above to in which she or these are sitting and talk to if you possibly can join them. If you are trustworthy and straightforward with them, your probabilities are quite superior.

2- Do some considering. Before you even look at planning on the local mall to satisfy a woman, sit oneself down and do some really serious contemplating. Check out how you can match a lady and what you might say to her if that you're profitable. Take into account which components for this local mall you'll pay a visit to. Also, you are gonna really need to purchase anything even though there, what do you would like? In conclusion, mull over what meeting a female in the public put entails. Definitely you may really need to glance for any wedding ring in advance of speaking into a toddler, and you'll be required to have a look at if it's wiser to speak into a young lady alone or one who's with others. Ultimately, you can expect to have to get reasonable about your personal age as well as the ages associated with the young girl you choose to satisfy. As in, you may must tell by yourself to get reasonable and do not try to meet ladies which might be very much younger or older than one is, or that glimpse out of one's league.

3 - Ask for be of assistance. Once you , yourself are ultimately on the local mall, a person associated with the means to fulfill girls is by asking them for guidance. Females understand that males have no concept what there're working on once they are purchasing, so asking for advice will not appear this kind of a ridiculous strategy. Request aid in picking out a jacket for your self for example. Undertaking so let's the woman know that you simply are single. If she agrees to help you, find out her other questions as you grab totally different jackets to try on.

Hey guys I'm not quite for certain if this is the sound area to put this, but I am having some corporeal grieve learning meeting women I look over meeting women[url=
meeting women [/url] that internet site, but it as a matter of fact didn't look as if to make alot of sanity to me. Can someone hold it in their heart to assist me? It's so impregnable to foregather the chick of my dreams.

20/7/10 12:50 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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5/9/10 7:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

Thank You for the awesome article. I love reading it!

30/6/11 1:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo piensa que...

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18/8/11 1:30 p.m.  

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