jueves, agosto 25, 2005

Passive Manipulation

Women, listen to your mothers
don't just succumb to the wishes of your brothers
take a step back, take a look at one another
you need to know the difference, between a father and a lover


Blogger Mr. John Steed piensa que...

Fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters, too

(lo mio es más sweety)

25/8/05 3:40 p.m.  
Blogger sinonimo piensa que...

ill make my father a grandfather.
by making a girl of your mother,
well make a daughter wholl be a girl/
whom ill make her her daughters sister.
(el contrapunto)

si quieren se los explico

25/8/05 4:01 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

Por favor explicamelo porque me dejo anonfundida.

26/8/05 11:30 a.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

uds. dos comentan bien.
i dig yer style

26/8/05 11:31 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. John Steed piensa que...

si, simonimo explíquelo que yo tampoco entiendo.

me cuesta, me cuesta.

26/8/05 2:22 p.m.  
Blogger Gugú piensa que...

Lo que yo entiendo es medio asqueroso, como que se va a agarrar a la hija entonces van a ser hermanas la mama y la hija que tengan...

pero no creo que sea asi de feoooo

26/8/05 3:09 p.m.  

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