posteado para ti con tantísimo placer por Gugú a las 06:32
fuck off: la vuelta a la naturaleza, que es sabia y es tu amiga top.
fuck onand on and on and onfakin monki
If you can´t even fuck yourself, ?How´re you gonna fuck sombody else?
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Saqué TODO de la caja para ordenarla, y ahora tengo miles de cosas tiradas que no sé dónde poner
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Peter: You better watch who you're calling a child Lois. Because if I'm a child, do you know what that makes you? A pedophile. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here and be lectured by a pervert.
fuck off: la vuelta a la naturaleza, que es sabia y es tu amiga top.
fuck on
and on and on and on
fakin monki
If you can´t even fuck yourself, ?How´re you gonna fuck sombody else?
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