jueves, noviembre 10, 2011

me llevó tres cuartos de hora encontrar la siguiente cita, de Kurt Vonnegut, para ponerla al final del post de abajo...

la encontré en el segundo libro de él que revisé.
acá va:
" I am, incidentally, Honorary President of the American Humanist Association, having succeeded the late, great Isaac Asimov in that totally functionless capacity. We had a memorial service for Isaac a few years back, and I spoke and said at one point, 'Isaac is up in heaven now.' It was the funniest thing I could have said to an audience of humanists... And if I should die, God forbid, I hope you will say, 'Kurt is up in heaven now.' That's my favorite joke."

es el mismo chiste que hice yo.
es el mismo chiste.